Different schemes are controlled by the Uttar Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board for the welfare of the workers of the state. Because those who are laborers, on one hand their income is less and then again enough employment is not available for them. What is more, even in the event that workers get work, that work is dangerous. In such a circumstance, the Shramik Card scheme has been started by the government to provide government backed retirement to these workers working in the unorganized sector. Under this, the worker needs to register for the work card by visiting the website of UP BOCW , after which a work card is provided to the worker, on which the workers will actually want to take advantage of different schemes. All work citizens of the state of Uttar Pradesh can apply for Labor Card to take advantage of different schemes being run at the central level and state level. Under the UP Shramik Card , the work citizens are provided a chance to take advantage of different types of schemes. According to this process, the work card of the laboring persons is made.
This is a significant document for all work families, based on which they can take advantage of different types of schemes. The process of registration has been started to take the benefits of the schemes of the working class to the beneficiaries. According to the card, the benefit of the financial assistance sum received from the scheme is provided to the laboring citizens.
- welding work
- carpentry
- well drilling
- roller work
- artisan’s work
- roofers
- Metal forger
- plumbing work
- street making
- sock clean
- paint work
- mixer operation
- electrician work
- tunnel development
- hammer work
- tillers
- marble and stone work
- sludge removal
After getting the UP Labor Card made, the workers get the benefit of many schemes. Workers on UP Labor Card will get the benefit of this large number of schemes of UP Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Board-
- Maternity, Shishu and Girl Child Help Scheme
- Sant Ravidas Education Assistance Scheme
- Meritorious Student Award Scheme
- residential school scheme
- Skill Development, Technological Upgradation and Certification Scheme
- Solar Energy Assistance Scheme
- Girl Marriage Subsidy Scheme
- housing assistance scheme
- toilet assistance scheme
- medical assistance scheme
- disaster relief assistance scheme
- Mahatma Gandhi Pension Scheme
To apply for Shramik Card , work citizens can apply to get the card made under their nearest work department and official website. Also, you can get the benefits of state level and central level work category schemes. Different schemes are being gone through the government to provide financial assistance to the work families. From medical to education, marriage etc., with the help of this UP Labour Card, the benefit of financial assistance is provided to the working families.